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JS String Methods Part 11

Covering padStart() and padEnd()

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padStart() and padEnd(), sworn rivals of the trim() family.

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In case you're interested in a little bit of back-history, there's always the (old) news related to the npm left pad incident. Warning: you can spent quite a while browsing tweets, reddit posts and posts about the subject.

Well, thankfully we now can just use padStart() and padEnd() to add padding to our strings!


padStart() will concatenate a new string to the start of an existing string until a certain length is reached, then return the result as a new string.

It takes two parameters: the length you want your new string to be, and what you want to use as "filling" to make the existing string reach that length.

  • If your target length is less than the original string's length, no changes will be made
  • If you don't specify a target length, the string will be returned with no changes
  • If you don't specify a filling/padding string, then padStart() will default to using a space (" ")
  • In case the filling/padding string is too long to fit the target length, then it will be truncated from the end - that is, characters will be removed from the end of the padding string to make it fit
  • On the other hand, if the padding string is too short to reach the target length, then it will be repeated until it does reach the length

See it in action:

const string = "We're scuba diving!"

//output: 19

string.padStart(10, 'Glub-glub')
//output: "We're scuba diving!"

string.padStart(25, 'Glub-glub')
//output: "Glub-gWe're scuba diving!"

//output: " We're scuba diving!"

string.slice(-8).padStart(25, 'Glub-glub')
//output: 'Glub-glubGlub-glu diving!'


padEnd() will also concatenate a string, this time to the end of another, until a target length is reached.

It also takes two parameters: target length and string to use as padding. It follows the same general rules as padStart(), with the only change being where the padding string is added.

const string = "We're scuba diving!"

//output: 19

string.padEnd(10, 'Glub-glub')
//output: "We're scuba diving!"

string.padEnd(25, 'Glub-glub')
//output: "We're scuba diving!Glub-g"

//output: "We're scuba diving! "

string.slice(-8).padEnd(25, 'Glub-glub')
//output: ' diving!Glub-glubGlub-glu'

Padding right-to-left languages

Do note that the positioning of the padded strings remains consistent across left-to-right and right-to-left languages, regardless of where the language considers the string to begin/end.

const rtlText = '   ەركىنلىك'

const ltrText = ' freedom'

rtlText.padStart(21, 'ABC')
//output: 'ABCABCABCA ەركىنلىك'

ltrText.padStart(21, 'ABC')
//output: 'ABCABCABCAB freedom'

rtlText.padEnd(21, 'ABC')
//output: ' ەركىنلىكABCABCABCA'

ltrText.padEnd(21, 'ABC')
//output: ' freedomABCABCABCAB'

A little practice

Try adding a Credit Card Mask in this 7-kyu CodeWars kata!